Jedediah posted an update
There was two failing anterior incisors with significant infection that had to be removed and we placed two immediate implants into sites with severe bony defects. We performed simultaneously GBR/GTR using CGF/PRF protocols. After 6 months of healing we fortunately had a great outcome with ample bone.
There’s always a nervous excitement when you uncover these cases and the ultimate reward is seeing only bone and no hardware. I love when we have to go digging for our implants due to the great success of the GBR/GTR procedure and a favorable patient response. In these types of situations I would often perform the bone grafting procedure first then come back and place the implants. However, I have absolutely love the consistent results that we typically get and I find myself doing both surgeries simultaneously and loving the outcomes which saves myself and my patients time and additional surgeries. These can’t alwasys be done at the same time but there are some great research articles out there as well that support this when you select the proper cases.
Dr., Khurrum and janell-
beautiful case! How do you manage soft tissue after uncovery? Assuming you’ve migrated the vestibule coronal when doing the GBR, I struggle to tell when a FGG is needed
Thank you Talha. The vestibule settles back down and is fine and no additional treatment was needed. In certain severe cases the vestibule can be repostiioned but I actually have never needed to do that. For the upper I perform a palatal line angle incision and move a lot more keratinized tissue to the facial to help with that and improve quality and quantity of tissue.
Great case. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Khurrum!