• Profile photo of Jonathan

      Jonathan posted an update

      4 months ago

      I have never placed an immediate implant before but I think I found a good first case.
      Patient is a 40 year male with a low smile line. Here is my proposed implant site.

      I am planning on placing a 4.2×13 implant direct legacy 3. My current plan is to drill to a 2.8 osteotomy and then place the implant and hope for enough primary stability.

      Do you guys think there is enough threads in bone to get stability? I don’t plan to immediate load but I would like to place a custom healing abutment.

      1 Comment
      • You typically want to place the top of your implant 2 to 3mm below the crest of the bone with immediate implants so you should have sufficient stability. Also, ensure a 2mm buccal gap that your should be grafted to get a more ideal healing response and to reserve the patients existing bone and biology. Also, typically the best case selection to start to incorporate immediate implants are pre molars in the future as well due to multiple reasons. Good luck!