• Profile photo of Khurrum

      Khurrum posted an update

      2 months ago

      Placed an implant and healing abutment and patient came with overgrown tissue on lingual which is not soft or hard but a bump. At first I thought it was an ill-fitting interim denture and adjusted. Also placed a soft liner. She came back 2 weeks later still there. So I placed a taller healing abutment and adjusted her existing denture to not touch area as we are in the process of making an overdenture. Any thoughts on how to correct this unsightly looking tissue. Patient is comfortable

      Aman, Ivan and Jedediah
      • From the picture, it looks like some decent quality tissue that has built up over time. When you finish your new prosthesis and have proper tissue pressure everywhere, it might settle down slightly, but at this point, I would just leave it as it’s better to have that type of tissue than oral mucosa up against your locators. It looks like you’ve done everything that you need to I would just observe it overtime, but I don’t see it being an issue if everything else appears wnl

        • Have you tried adjusting the tissue at all? You could just use a 15 blade and trim it down a bit. It’s not the end of the world to have the tissue bulging like that but it can be a nuisance

        • Hi there, I’d just leave it as is and observe. I feel like it’s not big enough to cause any problems and also it will probably go away once the prosthesis is installed. Could you please specify what implant system is on the 4th quadrant ( the two with gold healing abutments ) because I have a patient that came to me with that exact abutment and I can’t seem to figure out what system it is and which driver to use to unscrew it
