• Profile photo of HANNAH

      HANNAH posted an update

      3 months ago

      Hi all! My name is Hannah, and I own a small dental office in Bakersfield, CA. Implant ninja has been super helpful to me, and I look forward to learning with all of you! One question- What speed and torque do you use to drill bone for implant placement? Mine is at 55Ncm and I dont know whether thats too strong or not.

      Vũ Anh, Ivan and Jedediah
      • Hello Hannah,

        So glad Implant Ninja has been super helpful. Speed typically depends on what system you are placing, for drilling speed where torque is not the issue typically 800 to 2,000rpm is the speed. You want to make sure you check the protocol with that specific system. When placing your implant that would be a different setting, typically 25 rpm which is nice a slow with no irrigation and torque set around 45 N/cm but some motors may go as high as 80 N/cm depending on the max recommended torque of you implant and their protocols. Typically 80 N/cm torque on an implant motor would not do any damage to your implant. Hope this helps.

      • Hi Hannah,

        My personal take on this:

        50 Ncm torque generally works well across the board.

        Starting speed for hard bone: 1,200 RPM

        Starting speed for soft bone: 900 RPM

        And with each subsequent drill I run the drill a little slower. Why? Minimizing speed helps to keep the temperature down and thereby cause less cell damage in your prep.

        You can manually bring the speed down (bringing it down to 400-500 for your last drill) or you can simply keep your foot lighter on the pedal.

        Hope that helps! Any other opinions on this?

        • Ivan (edited)

          @reidohearn (you’re the official perio expert here 😁) @jchdmd @Marwan.ghaly do you guys have any opinion on Hannah’s question about drill speeds?

          • I am not sure you are correct about drilling speed……look at the literature…….SHARP and fast, many are saying. REMEMBER irrigation is not that effective

            • Thank you all for the feedbacks!
