• Profile photo of chris

      chris posted an update

      2 months ago

      Hi, I was intially going to take impressions of 14 15 implant and decided rather to scan it.

      My question is there is a bit of gingiva covering the 14 healing cap. Like maybe 1/5 of the healing cap. It has no issue coming off, but should I remove this tissue before I scan?

      Also I know with normal crown preps it is very important there is no saliva or bleeding on the prep. How about the implant? Does it have to be completely free of blood or is it OK to have some bleeding

      Is it OK to just scan the quadrant like a triple tray, or is it better to scan the full arch?

      Is there any tips or tricks or anything I should know about scanning for implant

      I do mainly scanning for crowns at the moment but this is my first time doing an implant crown.

      Thanks guys

      • Hey Chris! When you say that the tissue is covering the healing abutment, is it covering the occlusal surface of it?

        Its generally not a big deal, I would probably take a thin blade and slice off the tissue that is covering the occlusal surface of the healing abutment.

        Ideally, you don’t want blood during the scan. I suppose it’s technically not a HUGE deal like with a crown where you have margins, but it’s better not to have blood around the scan body–so if I am going to modify tissue, i normally wait 2 weeks before taking the scan.

        However it sounds like your tissue adjustment is very minimal. People scan the quadrant, but I prefer to scan the arch.

        I actually don’t know the literature on accuracy of this–but in the analog world–full trays are better than triple tray. However, I’m not satisfied with my own answer, so let me ask my buddy Nate Farley. He is one of the most knowledgable guys there is in the digital space.

        • yes its covering a very small portion of the healing abutment. I was thinking maybe I could place a large cord in there for a few minutes to solve the issue 😅. Thanks for the help, I guess ill just take a full arch scan

          • if you are scanning, are you placing the scanbody? Maybe the scan body would just push that tissue out of the way?