• Profile photo of rez

      rez posted an update

      2 months ago

      I understand that we have to place the implants in the ant. areas ideally at the cingulum area, is that the same you do for the Mandibular anterior as well? i am wondering since the upper & lower Ant have limited bone availability & we have to place them in a projection angle that gives screw access on the palatal (of course there those cases that crowns need to be cemented), how do you place your upper or lower Ant implants (at what projection)?

      • For mandibular anterior implants, I try to also place them at the cingulum area with a slight lingual tilt to optimize screw access and functional loading. Just look at your pre-op CBCT to avoid the lingual concavity. Sometimes this is difficult though, so I place them wherever there is more bone stability. I prefer to do screw retained, even if the access hole is in the buccal, but I have also done cement over abutment. Hope that helps.

        • So I agree that we all want screw retained crowns. In the end we have to place the implant where the bone so not all cases are ideal
