Healing complication
Hello. I placed an implant in site #28 on 25 y/o male. Pt has controlled type 1 diabetes. recent A1C 5.8. Otherwise healthy. Placed with good initial stability and cover screw placed and resorbable sutures. Pt did not return for any follow ups and did not return any check up phone calls. He scheduled 2nd stage prior to surgery and showed up today. (4.5 months after placement) Radiograph looks good (to me at least) but unfortunately the tissue hadnt healed over the healing cap fully. The tissue looked very healthy but You could see a small hole where the driver hole is. Made incision and removed cover screw and placed healing abutment. How concerned should I be? What would you recommend. Implant seemed stable. No movement upon removing and placing cover screw/healing abutment. Thanks in advance!
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