Activity Feed Forums Implant Tx Planning treatment planning #19 with surgical guide

  • Broneil

    January 15, 2024 at 2:12 pm

    I’m just starting out with my implant journey as well, but I thought it was minimum 8mm of space from implant to opposing tooth when its 1 single unit implant crown. I’m just asking to learn; there is much vertical bone, would it be ok to place a longer implant there and submerge the implant to get minimum 8mm of occlusal space? Thanks in advance.

  • Jedediah

    January 15, 2024 at 6:54 pm

    That is a ton of great bone and a great case. Typically you can get away with a minimum of 5 to 7 mm with a screw routine crown and be fine. However, in the limited information that I saw on your case, there’s a couple things that you can do to help improve and give you more inter-occlusal space. One, as you can submerge your implant deeper in the bone like you did on your digital placement 2 to 3 mm below the crest of the bone or you can do some alveoplasty and reduce 2 to 3 mm of bone to give you more space and then also place the implant a millimeter or two sub Crestal. Several different ways to treat it so you have plenty of room for your restoration which also give you a better emergency profile.

  • Ivan

    January 17, 2024 at 8:40 am

    Hey! I took a look at your case and attached my thoughts. I hope this helps!


    Case Review_ Limited Crown Height Space (1)


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