• First freehand implant placed a couple of weeks ago. #4. Felt my initial angulation was coming too far mesially and tried to course correct best I could. Happy with the final placement. A little tricky with the distal sloping of the ridge from #5 down to implant #3. Did a papilla sparing incision and tucked the tissue to the buccal with…

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    Khurrum and Jedediah
    1 Comment
  • First three career implants placed last month! Fully guided.

    Some thoughts and questions:

    The tissue punch for #29 probably left a less than ideal amount of buccal keratinized gingiva. One month later, patient has some irritation of the gingiva buccal to the healing abutment. In retrospect, I would have liked to flap rather than punch and try…

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    Khurrum, 87madrigal and Jedediah