• Profile photo of chris

      chris posted an update

      6 weeks ago

      Sorry if this is a double post. I was wondering if this case should be better splinted or with separate crowns. I did look at the research and it seems splinted crowns are better. But I’m just worried as there is already bone loss around the mesial implant would it be better to do separate crowns so she can clean it better

      • Hey Chris, thanks for your post! I would leave these UNsplinted. Here’s why:

        There is already some bone loss at those implant sites and if you splint those, the situation can get worse as the patient wont be able to clean them as effectively. (What you said)

        I can’t think of a benefit to splinting them in this case.

        Also, you might have a difficult time with seating the final abutments/crowns as those implants are rather close to one another. In some cases, when the implants are TOO close to one another, then you have to splint them just to seat the parts. I’m not sure if that will be the case here though.

        Hope that helps!

        • Thanks again Ivan. Much appreciated
