Study Club Member
Connor posted an update 9 months ago
Hi, can someone please help me identify this implant please? Patient reports that she had the implant placed around 2007. Thank you!
Can, Jedediah and Cayleen-
Possible Implant Direct, or replace implant from Nobel. I would also recommend sending that information to your lab that sees lots and lots of different implants and they also could probably give you an idea what it is. I also find the website whatimplantisthat.com can be helpful as well
Connor replied to the discussion CBCT viewer/converter on Mac in the forum Implant Tx Planning a year ago
Connor replied to the discussion CBCT viewer/converter on Mac in the forum Implant Tx Planning a year ago
If my office only uses implant direct, how do I select for that implant on BSB?
Connor started the discussion CBCT viewer/converter on Mac in the forum Implant Tx Planning a year ago
Hi, I a received my CBCT file in DICOM format from the doc I work with that has a Cone beam. The issue I am running into is converting the DICOM into a file that I can open it in Blue Sky Bio. Do you have any recommendations on how I can convert the file? So far I can only view the file using a separate app called “Bee Dicom Viewer”. Thank…