Study Club Member-
@kssheikh Asked about some literature concerning spacing between implants and natural teeth. This excerpt references 3 articles: Esposito, Buser, and Waerhaug. LMK if you’d like any of the articles
Khurrum replied to the discussion Angle screw drivers in the forum Implant Tx Planning 9 months ago
I do not believe so, if using authentic parts and screws, I still believe each manufacturer has a unique head on the driver.
Erick, Sowbarnika and Ivan -
Khurrum posted an update 9 months ago
When placing an immediate implant , in study club today and the dental lit states it is best to place bonegraft with a provisional. My question is does it make a difference in placing the implant first and than the bone graft? I find it easier to leave my last implant drill, place the allograft and than seat the implant. Does the dental…
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Either before or after is fine, most of it just comes down to preference. As long as the gap is grafted, that is what is the most Important. If you do place the bone after often times I place a little bit at a time and then I use something like a Perio probe to gently push the bone graft material as apical as possible so I get a good…
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I really like to do it this way also, I leave my last drill in the prep and pack bone around it. Then the implant compresses everything together. Although its tricky when bone ends up accidentally falling into the prep!
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