• Profile photo of Lori

      Lori posted an update

      2 months ago

      Hello just a few questions.

      1. After extraction ans socket preservation are complete , how long do you wait until you take a cbct and plan the implant?

      2. What do you do when the IAN canal is NOT visible at all on the CBCT? How can I forward the cbct to you for review?

      Thank you!

      Nolan, Jedediah and Ivan
      • Thanks for the questions Lori! You can record a little video clip on your phone and post it here! Or you can take pics and share it directly here 🙂

        • Make sure to upload it soon so we can do a video case review for you on Monday 🙂

        • Hello Lori,

          I typically wait 4mo. On a healthy patient when there was no real defect at the site. If I have to repair a missing buccal wall then it’s usually 5mo. Or so. Also, typically the easiest way to identify I difficult nerve is to start at the mental Foreman which is much easier to identify and then follow the nerve more posterior to approximate where it is.

          • Thank you I will

            • 0:23



              • Lower left first molar (36) to be replaced

                • If you have time for another – how would you manage this case? 33yr old male with a chronic abscess and draining sinus tract from tooth 21 (or 9). External resorption on the middle to apical parts of the root were confirmed in CBCT. What type of bone grafting would need to be done / ie how do you repair the buccal plate? how long do you wait to graft after the initial extraction is done? Do you provide an essix as a temporary?

                • Thank you!

                  • Thanks for sharing all of these @Lori ! I will make sure to dive into them in tomorrow’s LIVE session! I’ll post up the video in the community for you to review. Anything else in particular about these cases that you want me to address?

                    • @ivan-chicchon I don’t understand the process of bone grafting when it is done AFTER the tooth is already extracted. Like above when there’s infection. Is this a referral or when you go back in is it similar to socket preservation? ? do you mind to touch on anterior cases in general? Should most be avoided by beginners? For the case above he has a poorly restored adjacent tooth and non ideal occlusion. I come across some patients just wanting to address the single problematic area .