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      Mic posted an update

      2 months ago

      When MLB players and athletes hit a slump, it’s often because their fundamentals are just slightly off. Does anyone ever feel that way clinically? Maybe things aren’t lining up quite right, surgeries aren’t going as smoothly as you’d like, or you’re noticing a streak of less-than-ideal outcomes. How do you reset when that happens? Does anyone else experience this? I think I might be entering a slump myself.

      • Bro this happens to me like 3x per year 🙈

        I’ll share about how it is for me personally. For me, it’s when I have been sacrificing a bit and not taking care of myself personally. It’s the classic goose with the golden egg issue. Got to take care of yourself to make sure you can run the marathon and still be your best self.

        What I do is, take a look at my sleep and exercise patterns. Have I missed some sleep? Have I been skipping my run? Have I overstretched myself and have too many loose ends?

        I feel like sometimes these things feel like “death by a thousand papercuts.”

        So I personally like to step back, reflect in a journal , do something not related to work, and think. (It’s hard to think when you have kids)

        And then come back to work and the only thing I focus on is the craftsmanship aspect.

        Thats the only thing I can control. I’ll try to do less and do it the best that I can. Even if I am slow as hell.

        That works for me. But man, getting exercise specifically has been a game changer for me. Especially after parenthood and after age of 35 I felt like I absolutely need it in order to function.

        • Mic

          @ivan-chicchon thanks for sharing ! maaaan my sleep is complete TRASH! and exercise is non existent.

          I really gotta carve out time for exercise.

          when do you do yours? first thing in the morning before the chaos of the day starts?

        • Same for me man. Same for me. I have absolutely no time for it.

          However it got to a point where I realized that I was not bringing my best self for my family or for my work.

          So I made it a non-negotiable. it’s basically my daily medicine. Even if I take 45 min out of the day to exercise and stretch, it actually adds productivity to the day because I do literally EVERYTHING better.

          I drop of my kid as school and I exercise immediately after before hitting up work.

        • I feel you, it happens to all of us. The start of a burnout, I’ve been there many times. Some cases just drain you when they don’t go as planned. What has helped me is setting times for work and leaving work at work. When you go home you are done, so take your mind off it and do something you enjoy. For me that’s going on long walks… 😅 37 years is kicking my butt. I hope that helps.

          • I think for me what happens is there’s one incident maybe that is not what I want– a surgery didn’t go well, or post op complications etc. And then instead of taking it in stride I start to worry about everything more, and of course more things go off. I think focusing on how GOOD you are and how much you care about your patients can really help.
