Jedediah posted an update
Lots of bone building needed with this case in order for the patient to receive his desired implant. Elderly patient had a failed bridge and he preferred to have individual teeth this time around. However, patient presented with severe bone resorption around the upper right lateral incisor area. We opted to place the implant and simultaneously perform a ridge augmentation.
Flap and incision design are key with these types of procedures and sufficient tissue release is a must for consistent successful outcomes. Decorticating of the facial plate was done prior to placing an implant from in order to maximize access to cells for the bone graft procedure. Implant had great initial stability but was covered for the best outcome with the bone grafting procedure. CGF/PRF protocols were used with allograft mineralized cortical particulate to create some nice “sticky bone”. resorbable collagen membrane were used from in a double layering technique and stabilized by 4.0 chronic gut sutures. Primary closure was obtained with 4.0 PTFE sutures.
What is your/our biggest challenge with a case like this??? Comment below👇👇👇 and let’s discuss.
Jaden, Rahim and 4 others-
In case like those how can you manage provisional prosthesis?
Very important to have a tooth born prosthesis and not a tissue born prosthesis so it does not impact your ridge augmentation. A simple one would typically be an Essex, for example