• Profile photo of Jedediah

      Jedediah posted an update

      4 months ago

      This case was a tricky one. Sometimes, we just need to do the best with what our patients anatomy gives us. Patient was referred to me wanting an implant and there wasn’t much to work with and oh yeah, the mental foremen was smack dab in the middle of our sight.

      With the help of some buccal plate decorticating, a tenting screw, and some CGF/PRF protocols for improved healing and sticky bone, we were able to achieve some nice bone growth in order to achieve the patients’ wishes.

      Even with a favorable GBR outcome we still had to squeeze this implant in strategically in order to not impinge on the inferior alveolar nerve. This may be the best crooked implant I’ve placed. The X-rays give you an idea of what we were dealing with, however, clinically we had a well centered implant splitting the contacts of the adjacent teeth for the future restoration.

      • Wow nice. What kind of membrane and stabilization techniques did you use?

        • Thank you Jonathan. We used Ossix Plus resorbable collagen membrane and periosteal stabilizing sutures using a horizontal mattress suturing technique to stabilize the membrane and another to relieve tension for primary closure.