rez posted an update
i was wondering if you can tell me where you buy your angled abutments & locators (as you mentioned for $30-40), Also the non engaging abutments are the same as temp cylinders or any specific ones that non engages for implant Bridges or fixed all on x, where to buy to purchase them?
I have 2 vendors to recommend:
Edison Medical (they used to be called Dibay and were a better company IMO but they still offer the same parts)
https://edisonmed.com/?srsltid=AfmBOopw7hBVOfLpNsMyXTw7RXJpgO9xQw_imrfz7EIrBunJHh5YCBWH# -
Also this one: Dess Abutments.
It’s hard to beat Dess. They offer abutments for everything. And they do it cheap: https://www.dess-usa.com/?utm_source=google-adwords&adgroupid=133795453608&campaign=&adgroup=&source=&utm_campaign=14883816196&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=550476770088&utm_term=dess%20abutments%20usa&hsa_acc=8877524330&hsa_cam=14883816196&hsa_grp=133795453608&hsa_ad=550476770088&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-1051987756932&hsa_kw=dess%20abutments%20usa&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAvbm7BhC5ARIsAFjwNHsEAJu1bei9eW0DAfmXx5jr72bBbAFWnMITSZ03TZN6FreYn2v01ZAaAnR5EALw_wcB
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I use DESS for a lot of restorative components. If you have questions regarding anything, they’re super helpful to take calls.