Out of the Box Management of a Malposed Implant

Crazy Case I came across…

I just wanted to share this case that I saw the other day…

The patient presented with a CRAZY angulation on a #10 implant. Now, I’ve seen some crazy angles before, but this one is something to write home about. Wouldn’t you agree?

Usually there isn’t much you can do about it except explant (remove) it. As you can see, no matter what kind of abutment you place on it, it’s just not going to get any better.

As they say, you can’t put lipstick on a pig. 


But they did something quite interesting here. They made lateral cuts along the implant and then rotated the implant (along with the attached bone) to a corrected angle.

I know I know, it is quite unconventional. But take a look at these results…

It’s not looking half bad!

Of course, doing it this way seems like it would be pretty darn invasive. Usually the corrective action is to remove the implant and do some significant grafting to rebuild the surgical site. But this case shows an out-of-the-box alternative.

Do I endorse this method, heck no. But I did think it was pretty damn cool and it seems like a good thing to keep stored in the back of our heads as a possibility.

Here’s where I found this case: Management of a Malposed Dental Implant


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