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  • Rethinking Everyday Instruments: The Case of Minnesota Retractors

    Have you ever considered the everyday instruments we use that seem poorly designed or cause unnecessary discomfort? As someone who spends long hours in the operating room, I’ve certainly had my fair share of frustrations. One instrument that stands out to me is the Minnesota…

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    shingst, toothdoc3 and Ivan
  • Hello everyone! I’m a recent grad so I have very little experience with implants. A pt came today and said their crown broke off. We got ahold of the implant system (Hiossen) and I got the correct driver but i could not even get the driver down the abutment hole. I use 5.5x loupes and im pretty sure I can see a screw down at the end. 1. Do I… Read more

    • Thanks for posting Richard, You can actually do it either way. However, the preferred way would be to:

      1. access the screw channel and successfully remove the abutment.

      2. Take an impression

      3. Send the impression and abutment to the lab

      Doing it this way would avoid extruding cement all around that implant.

      It does take some care and some time…

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      • I wrote a short article on the topic not too long ago. Maybe it helps!

      • Profile photo of Ivan

        Ivan replied to the discussion #10 implant site in the forum Implant Tx Planning a week ago

        a week ago

        Reply to #10 implant site

        You’re very welcome! Hope it was useful!

        Justin and oussama-alla

        hey Ahmad,

        I just now saw your post and hopefully, you haven’t done it yet. A few tips from someone who has completed 1,000+ of these over-denture surgeries + restoring:

        1) I would make sure you do good alveoplasty – think back to dental school when we made wax rims: exactly like that, NO undercuts. I use the “finger swipe” test – as in, after…

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        drahcirthefrog and Ivan
      • Profile photo of Dr.

        Dr. replied to the discussion #10 implant site in the forum Implant Tx Planning a week ago

        a week ago

        Reply to #10 implant site

        Thank you everyone for your input and help!

        dtberat_dds, Ivan and ladalle
      • Case here for a maxillary partial overdenture. How do these positions look prosthetically in respect to their existing partial? I placed them as best I could. Also how far subcrestal should I am for? 1-2mm?

        • These positions look okay to me–but i might suggest some slight modification. So, because this is a partial, the implants don’t necessarily need to follow the angulation of the teeth.

          Instead, the things to try to optimize for aside from bone availability are:

          1. Parallelism between the fixtures. It would be great to try to get them…

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          • That said, you don’t want those anterior implants to come out too far on the palate because you’ll run out of restorative space. It’s a balance.

            One solution for the anterior might be to use some angled locators on those. They fix that up real quick.

            2mm subcrestal would be good. Hardest thing on this case will be making sure you have…

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          • Hı everyone,I couldnt understand aim of these blue lines.Can you explain further?

            1 Comment
            • The blue lines on a stacked implant guide are like the dimple on BioHorizons implants, they serve a similar purpose—they help ensure the implant is placed in the correct orientation, a process called “timing.” These markers act as guides to align the implant properly in the bone, ensuring that the connection where the crown or restoration… Read more

            • Has anyone had any experience removing mini implants? Any tips or recommendations. These are 3M small diameter 2.4X10.

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              • I’m actually do this exact same thing next week. When are you doing it?

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              • I’ll record my procedure for you. Often the come right out with the mini implant insertion tool. You just turn it counterclockwise. 🤞🏼

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              • Profile photo of chris

                chris posted an update a week ago

                a week ago

                Sorry if this is a double post. I was wondering if this case should be better splinted or with separate crowns. I did look at the research and it seems splinted crowns are better. But I’m just worried as there is already bone loss around the mesial implant would it be better to do separate crowns so she can clean it better

                • Hey Chris, thanks for your post! I would leave these UNsplinted. Here’s why:

                  There is already some bone loss at those implant sites and if you splint those, the situation can get worse as the patient wont be able to clean them as effectively. (What you said)

                  I can’t think of a benefit to splinting them in this case.

                  Also, you might have a…

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                  • Thanks again Ivan. Much appreciated

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                • Profile photo of Nick

                  Nick posted an update a week ago

                  a week ago (edited)

                  Remember if you think you are having a bad day, think about this dentist. 😳

                  Ivan and dtberat_dds
                  • this one’s a doozy, not sure what I would do in this case !

                    • This is really crazy. Thankfully I’ve never had to deal with that myself but in general you have to open up a window and get it out of these. When it’s that high up that’s a bit crazier

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