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Jedediah replied to the discussion Placed first implant (#4) solo, 2 weeks later looks like it's failing in the forum Complications 7 months ago
Placed first implant (#4) solo, 2 weeks later looks like it's failing
Looks fine. I would agree with Doug. Leave it alone. It will continue to improve and settle back down over time. In the future try to place a wider and taller healing abutment to better shape the tissue and make it easier to prevent tissue from healing partially over the healing abutment that can creat food traps and less ideal healing it…
Maria and Erick -
Jedediah posted an update 7 months ago
Many of you have asked what a mental formen and nerve looks like so here it is. This case was at one of our live surgical courses we teach where we performed some alveoplasty and identified the mental foramen prior to implant placement. You especially want to be aware of this and to identify on full arch cases and any possible anterior loop it…
Jedediah replied to the discussion Placed first implant (#4) solo, 2 weeks later looks like it's failing in the forum Complications 7 months ago
Placed first implant (#4) solo, 2 weeks later looks like it's failing
Being grafted again alone does not necessarily decrease success rate. However, if the patient is showing a consistent delayed healing and/or poor reaction to treatment and there might be some underlying issue that is affecting overall healing, and that would be an account when doing further treatment.
jdawg22 and Erick -
Jedediah replied to the discussion Upper full arch implant case discussion in the forum Implant Tx Planning 7 months ago
Upper full arch implant case discussion
Hello William,
Based off the limited info I see here it doesn’t appear the pt. Has sufficient bone for either of those procedures for long term success of the implants. Ridge augmentations possibly to improve success and have sufficient bone and biology for the implants or possible another route such as Zygo’s and/or ptero implants. Either way…
Jedediah replied to the discussion Placed first implant (#4) solo, 2 weeks later looks like it's failing in the forum Complications 7 months ago
Placed first implant (#4) solo, 2 weeks later looks like it's failing
Very easy to remove if needed by just reversing it out with your torque wrench and implant driver. However, I agree with Adis that it’s a bit too soon to throw the towel in. First, I wouldn’t ever use silk sutures and they do collect a ton of plaque, bacteria, and food and are not very hygienic. Monofilament sutures will keep site cleaner.… Read more
Jedediah posted an update 7 months ago
I get this questioned asked a lot so I figured someone here could benefit from it. Specifically I get asked how and where to I place the sutures to stablize the membrane. There is a full thickness flap here then at the base a partial thickness flap which if you look closely can see that is what i sutured to on the facial/buccal aspect. This can…
Jedediah replied to the discussion #19 in the forum Implant Tx Planning 7 months ago
Also, if you place the implant slightly more lingual and upright the implant slightly more lingual in terms of angulation from buccal to lingual, I don’t think you’ll need additional grafting in that area potentially
doc, Nisreen and bullfrog125 -
Jedediah replied to the discussion #19 in the forum Implant Tx Planning 7 months ago
Hey doc,
The shorter implant you selected should be fine. There’s actually great research that shows almost the same or very similar success rate with shorter implants compared with normal length or longer implants. However, if you have sufficient bone width it’s best to go wider if you’re going shorter to help compensate to minimize the…
Adis and doc -
Jedediah replied to the discussion Surgical guide and fixation pins? in the forum Implant Tx Planning 7 months ago
Jedediah replied to the discussion Surgical guide and fixation pins? in the forum Implant Tx Planning 7 months ago
Surgical guide and fixation pins?
Many ways you Can design to help improve your stability. Seeing that it is tooth born guide it should be very stable and you could do one screw fixation towards the gingiva side of the guide close to where you’re placing the implants. You also could have three fixation screws to have a more robust fixation one on the lower left and lower right…
yash0803 and Erick - Load More